We all have our causes

We all have our causes
We all have causes we are passionate about for different reasons. We all want to share our stories and bring awareness to those causes. We wear the different color ribbons. We have stickers or magnets on our car. We share fundraisers and articles with our friends and followers on social media.
Now, we can raise awareness with our fingernails.
One of the first things you do when you meet someone is shake their hand. What better way to share your cause!

Color Street has recently donated $10,000 to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, as well as $100,000 to the Autism Society of America through the sell of themed nail polish strips. And, through the newly established Color Street Foundation, Color Street is planning to give to some more amazing causes between September 2018 and May 2019, through the sell of our amazing nail polish strips.

We kick off September with Childhood Cancer Awareness 
Hope.Love.Cure  $13
$2 of every set sold goes to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.

Future causes include: Alzheimer’s Awareness, Military and Veteran Appreciation, Animal Cruelty Prevention and Awareness, and Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Awareness.

I am really excited to be part of this amazing company that is giving back and raising awareness for so many causes.

Hollie Ciccone, Independent Color Street Stylist
Text: (850)232-3605
